Message from the Secretary General of FOLAO

We are committed to serving and working with communities through cultural, educational, humanitarian, and nonprofit initiatives, and seek to achieve active collaboration with local Liberian community associations by
a) Unite Liberians in the State of Ohio in order to form a stronger community Federation bridging our social, educational, economic, and religious differences.
b) Promote the general welfare of Liberians in the State of Ohio through work with legitimate community based organizations; c) Conduct active outreach in order to assist recent Liberian immigrants and their families in identifying and obtaining needed services; d) Foster development of programs on behalf of Liberians; e) Improve the general public’s understanding of the rich cultural heritage of Liberians and their invaluable contributions toward the development of the nucleus family and the American community.
f) Help ensure that the legal rights and human dignity of all members are protected including, but not limited to, the right to be free of unlawful discrimination based on race, creed, citizenship, national origin, sex, age, religion, physical or mental handicap, or degree of handicap; g) Serve, statewide, as a clearinghouse for the gathering and dissemination of information regarding Liberians in the State of Ohio; h) Cooperate with public, private, religious agencies and professional groups in the furtherance of the purposes set forth herein; i) Respond, within reason, to the problems of Liberians at home and abroad; j) Affiliate and collaborate with other organizations and individuals in promoting peace, strong family values, and the protection of civil liberties and human rights.
May the good Lord bless you, the State of Ohio, the United States, and our beloved country, Liberia. We are fully committed to the core values and initiatives of our federation to continue to improve by making FOLAO an organization that works for the people with a measure based on Key Performance Indicator. I cannot underestimate the work and contributions of our team throughout the year. Our team has been working hard in collaboration with Chapters to help improve community relations such as a joint Flag Day celebration and Chapter’s re-engagement initiatives. Please come back to visit with us and we encourage you to leave us a comment or contact us.
Thank you.
Johnettan Jhandi Marshall
Secretary General